Thanks so so much!!
I first thank God that I am able to do this for you guys, not as an act of pride, but to provide you guys with art that is pure with a humble heart. I do this to praise God, and I praise Him by serving you all.
Nonetheless, I really don't deserve this, thanks so much, God bless you all!
Shout-out to AutisticMan1 for being my 20th follower!! God bless you!
Again, shout-out to followers mentioned in my past posts! You all are very important to me, from the 1st follower to the 10th, 15th and now 20th, and everyone in between that made this happen. God bless you all so greatly!
I had this image prepared before artblock hit me lol. Stay tuned for more art soon!
Congrats for the achievement! I'm glad to be the 20th. You make good stuff. Much encouragement for you to continue working hard and improving into making your future content. Keep it up like that.
Thanks so much man, I really appreciate it! My hope is that through God, I can learn and grow my knowledge of art to improve in the future; that is my forever goal for art!